We believe that metropolitan internet should be available in rural America too.  We also believe that fiber optics will be at the core of how technology grows from here.  Contact us if you want to partner in building more fiber, or if you want to bring CORE FIBER to your town

The Advantages

Grow with technology
Metro internet in rural America
Enable smart home technologies
Enable work from home and all streaming services
Prepare for the Metaverse economy
Investment in your communities future

CORE FIBER is partnered with

Our purpose is to build an internet that everyone trusts.

It's time to end the rural penalty, and this means deploying the best technologies available in the industry.  With many partners, we have access to a variety of technologies and the opportunity to  bridge the digital divide with fiber infrastructure

“Our mission will include all forms of growth and expansion, but we’ll never let go of the local feel of serving our customers”

Jason Mocca



What is fiber optics and why does it matter?

Fiber Optics is a strand(s) of glass that transmits pulses of light carrying data over long distances.  Each fiber is about the diameter of a strand of human hair, yet it’s more reliable than any other infrastructure on the planet.  With fiber you can enjoy HD streaming, gaming, video conferencing and so much more.

Who is CORE FIBER partnered with so far?

In less than a year CORE has partnered with 3 internet service providers in the PNW: MiFiber, NCI Datacom, and Wind Wireless.  CFP is a Network of ISP's standing together to represent the smaller companies and thus giving us all a louder voice!

How do I become a CORE FIBER partner?

It starts with contacting us!  Click any "Connect with us" button and submit your interest.  We're ready to help however we can.  Let's build more Fiber, together!

Will CORE FIBER build fiber optics into my town?

YES, we would like to and we can! Be sure talk to your local City Council first, it's always best ensuring they'll support it. Be loud about the communities needs around internet, the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Everyone deserves great internet in their homes!

Can a PUD or Municipality become a CORE FIBER Partner?

Of course, in fact we want to help!  When creating private / public partnerships, we aim for the win/win.  Let's partner and build more fiber together.  Come join Core Fiber!

Want to learn more about the benefits of fiber infrastructure?

Part of devoting ourselves to the community that surrounds us is being local and available, reach out and let us know how we can help